Can the real Valentine teach you anything?
Valentines Day – showing kindness is better and cheaper than chocolates and roses.
The five causes of workplace tension that can ruin your day.
Do workplace emotional hotspots cause tension in your team? When not dealt with well, emotional hotspots increase conflict and tension. Everyone suffers. Work is not a happy place for you or your team. You waste energy trying to sort out issues that you’ve not been trained for. Time spent fixing Read more…
A wise wife’s wisdom: How my partner’s advice saved the day
Discover the importance of having a calm, rational influence during confrontations. While out walking recently, my little dog was attacked by a dog that was much bigger and aggressive. It barked, and then rushed at him, and grabbed hold of the scruff of his neck. There was no serious damage Read more…
The Magic of Tactical Empathy
Tune in and transform difficult moments I’ve written before about Chris Voss, a chief hostage negotiator with the FBI who uses a term that fits very well with TUF training. He talks about ‘tactical empathy’ for building a relationship with anyone. He used this when negotiating with terrorists, bank robbers Read more…
When you are the angry one…
Three practical steps to manage your rage and frustration when the whole town has their wisdom teeth pulled at once. This graphic image of a whole town with sore teeth comes from newspaper columnist Verity Johnson and captures the mood that many are experiencing these days. People everywhere are stressed Read more…
All I want for Christmas is … happy families
All I want for Christmas is…happy families! Some people just love to create dramas, and when families get together there can be lots of it! Christmas and New Year summer holidays with family are a great time for drama queens and would-be Oscar contenders to have their moment in the Read more…
The KFC ingredients for assertiveness
Most individuals do not need to engage with mental health professionals if they, and those around them, know how to respond to emotions in a ‘good enough’ way.
Managing emotions at work – it’s not a mental health crisis
Most individuals do not need to engage with mental health professionals if they, and those around them, know how to respond to emotions in a ‘good enough’ way.
The power of the pause
Here’s three tips you can learn to talk with anyone who has a different opinion from you.