John Faisandier
Author – Facilitator – Psychodramatist
NZATD 2021 Awards
New Zealand Association for Training and Development (NZATD)
2021 NZATD Emerging Technology Initiative Award

Application Criteria
The winning entry will:
- Use new technology in a learning setting
- Demonstrate use of the best tool to meet the learning outcomes
- Demonstrate application of the NZATD Competency Framework, Core Competencies (Adult Learning Principles and Learning and Development Practice)
- Demonstrate high skills in the application of at least two NZATD Competency Framework Specialist Competencies
NZATD Awards
New Zealand Association for Training and Development (NZATD)
John has been a member of NZATD since 1990 and has been active in regional and national committees.
His work has been recognized by NZATD on the following occasions:
2008 NZATD Education Trust Award for Facilitation
2010 NZATD Education Trust Award for Innovation
2021 NZATD Emerging Technology Initiative Award
Application Criteria
The application criteria gives the opportunity for the applicant to reflect on theory and practice in the light of the NZATD Competency Framework.
In order to receive an award, the application must meet a high standard and show that the applicant can demonstrate that they know both the theory and the practice in their given area.
Watch John’s acceptance speech. Don’t take it too seriously.

When John Faisandier worked as the psychodrama therapist at the drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs, N.Z. he encountered many angry people. When patients became upset, they often shouted, punched the walls and stormed out of the room.
After a time, John worked out that by staying calm himself and fully acknowledging the patient’s distress they would settle down and be able to continue the therapy work they had begun. This one significant action of acknowledging the person’s feelings has become the key to what is taught in the TUF program.
Since its inception, the TUF program has been taught to people around the globe with stunning results. It has helped countless women and men, from all walks of life, better deal with difficult people in their work and personal lives.
When things get tough, give TUF a go. It will be a game-changer and life-changer.
Buy the book.
Now available on audio.
As heard on podcasts
Emotional Intelligence Expert

John grew up in a working class family of nine, before venturing abroad and taking up his first teaching opportunity as a volunteer in Tonga, at the budding age of 18.
He later went on to join the Catholic priesthood where he lived a celibate, religious life of ministry and chaplaincy for almost two decades, completing degrees in anthropology, theology and adult education along the way.
After 19 years in the priesthood, experiential psychodrama training ignited John’s journey to wholeness, healing and intimacy and saw him step out into the world in search of real connection and deeper love. He soon met his future wife and 30 years later is now settled in Wellington, New Zealand, and is the proud father of a grown son.
John began his work as a psychodramatist in a drug and alcohol treatment hospital, and later went on to develop an effective program for managing emotions, difficult people and situations that has helped thousands since.
Author of the acclaimed book, Thrive Under Fire – John’s teachings are shared in workshops and e-learning across the globe.
As seen in the media

Media Contact
To book John for your show send an email to:
Media Bookings
+64 27 246 0411
John’s Specialist Subjects
Understanding and managing emotions – yours and others
Transitioning – The journey to intimacy and personal development through psychodrama
Customer service, building effective business relationships
Cross-cultural communication
How entrepreneurs can use simple EQ techniques to build a successful business
Using psychodrama, John Faisandier has taught thousands of people how to turn difficult moments into positive experiences and to Thrive Under Fire.
What the heck is Psychodrama?
The term comes from: Psyche = the mind; Drama = to act.
Group members take on roles as your story unfolds, you see your world from a whole new perspective. John brings these therapeutic techniques into corporate and relationship training to help people manage the heat of emotional outbursts
I did a TUF course over 10 years ago when I worked at Fonterra.
The skills I learned in the course have stuck with me and prepared me so well for difficult and brave conversations, that I still think about it 10 years later. I thought I should pass that on. I see you do online programs, I’d be interested in hearing more so I can continue to upskill.
This course is by far the best de-escalation course I have seen – my congratulations to the people who put this together, it needs to be compulsory with regular updates.
Greg West – Registered Nurse, Nelson Marlborough Health Service
I’m a brand new Survey Interviewer and have found your material very useful, personally and professionally. (Understatement, take a bow).
In our new interviewer initial training, the TUF module was excellently presented.
Within the first month I found myself re-visiting this TUF module – to prepare for what I knew was going to be a tough visit.
John Barnett, Govt Department
Headshots and Images
The following are John Faisandier’s headshots that are available for official use for media/press or web mentions related to his speaking or coaching events. Please attribute “John Faisandier of www.tuf.co.nz” when using these photos.
To download, click to open the hi-res file, then right click to save.
Get to know John
John’s topics include:
- Understanding and managing emotions – yours and others
- Transitioning – Journey to intimacy and personal development through psychodrama
- Customer service, building effective business relationships
- Cross-cultural communication
- How entrepreneurs can use simple EQ techniques to build a successful business