How can TUF online training help?

We have taken the essence of the TUF: Thriving Under Fire programme and put it into a highly interactive eLearning format.
- Learn the first thing to do when someone is upset or emotional
- Understand your own reactions when under fire – be less judgmental about yourself
- Increase emotional intelligence and understand other people better
- Learn steps to look after your own emotional well being
- Develop empathy and understanding of others
- Apply the learning in all relationships, not just at work
- Program applies to all levels of an organisation including managers, front line staff and back office workers
The Format
- Total of 16 topics covered
- Video introduction to each topic
- Each topic takes about 10 minutes – best done in short bursts with time to practice the new skills
- Accessed from any computer or mobile device – complete at any time or place

Activities and Application

- Practical exercises and activity for the workplace – increases uptake in learning
- Interactive programme – leads to self-reflection and behaviour change
- Simulated group – learner feels connected to others and is not relating only to the computer screen
The application:
- Group members demonstrate new behaviours – learner can imitate and practice
- Developmental programme – learner takes what they need right now
- Supporting resources provided for individuals and teams
Who Will Benefit
We have created an online experience that people can enjoy as they learn practical skills to make a difference in their lives.
The TUF online course has application for a wide range of people. Members of the Health Quality and Safety Commission, top clinicians from throughout the country, have used it and found it informative and helpful in their work.
School principal, teachers, health professionals, sports administrators and survey interviewers all reported how useful it has been for their work and personal lives. PaknSave checkout operators and team leaders in a large supermarket chain continue to find it helpful in developing skills for dealing with upset customers and with one another