Our training delivery system is geared up and ready so we can usually deliver a workshop with very little lead in time.
Public workshops – learn with others
Do you prefer to learn in a live training environment?
The TUF public workshops offer the opportunity to:
- Develop skills to deal with any difficult situation
- Engage with others in stimulating environment
- Feel less isolated in your learning process
- Get a different perspective on your own workplace
- Network with others who face similar challenges
We hold public workshops in the Wellington CBD most months.
In house training – bringing TUF to you
Your staff have specific needs relevant to your business. This training programme deals with the particular issues your people have to contend with.
- Each workshop is tailored to your particular needs
- Groups can be cross sectional or selected by work-group
- We focus on specific topics and relevant issues
- Course material can be branded and tailored to your business
Minimum of 8 registrations for in house workshops.
About the TUF programme

When John Faisandier first developed the TUF programme he wanted to make sure that people who did this training would have the best chance to learn practical ways for managing emotions in their lives, because this was such an important area of human functioning. He wanted to make a real difference in people’s lives.
His research and practical experience as a psychodramatist lead him to develop a blended learning approach, that is, the programme uses both online learning and face-to-face training as well as follow-up activities that reinforce what is learned in the initial training event.
Today all of the TUF programmes take a blended learning approach. The various elements can be tailored to suit your needs and the needs of your organisation.
Blended learning TUF workshop process

1. TUF pre-course online learning module
This 15 – 20 minute module introduces the main tools and techniques you can use to manage difficult people well and helps you prepare for the workshop. Covering theoretical concepts online leaves more time during the workshop to discuss and explore actual situations you encounter.
2. TUF workshop
The two four-hour TUF workshop sessions build on the concepts introduced online and provide opportunities for participants to talk about actual situations they face. Further concepts and tools are included and participants, through their interaction with one another, develop their ability to respond appropriately.
The two sessions are normally run one week apart and provide opportunities for participants to integrate their learning through observing their own and other people’s behaviour. The can practise skills learned in session one and build on them in the second session.
3. TUF follow-up and ongoing support
Over the next twelve months we send monthly email reminders of key aspects of the programme. These emails provide a link to specific web pages which offer scenario-based learning and additional information on TUF topics to further cement the new skills.
As participants applying the TUF training in their workplace they interact in a new way with real customers. At any time during the following 12 months they can access support by email or phone, to ask questions and receive coaching and encouragement.
The introductory online module for face-to-face workshops:
• Takes 15 – 20 minutes
• Is engaging and informative
• Introduces key concepts to participants
• Stimulates thinking about learning goals and purpose
The introductory online module differs from the TUF online course.
TUF for frontline staff
The TUF: Thriving Under Fire programme gives staff the understanding, skills and attitudes to deal effectively with customers who are distressed and aggressive.
Benefits for frontline staff
After completing the TUF customer training, your staff will have the confidence and the skills to remain calm and in control of their emotions during difficult interactions. And most importantly, your customers will get to be heard and feel understood.
Talk to us now about TUF for frontline staff

Who should attend
Staff who deal with the public – either face to face or by phone – especially those who have to contend with angry and aggressive customers.
The TUF customer training programme makes a huge difference for frontline staff who deal with difficult customers because it is practical and it is focused on your specific situation.
TUF for Managers

Benefits for managers
TUF for Managers is designed for managers and team leaders to learn techniques and develop resilience in handling even the most difficult situations you might be faced with.
This programme focuses on advanced communication skills to assist people managers to communicate better with their teams as well as their customers
Are any of these ever a challenge to you and your managers?
- Difficult conversations, saying ‘No’ nicely and dealing with disappointment
- Managing up to the management team
- Team personal problems from outside of work
- Conflict in the workplace
- Dispute resolution
- Performance coaching
- Upset customers
- Reduce your time worrying about staff
- Increase your energy for developing the business
- Enhance management capability
Built on the proven TUF: Thriving Under Fire system – you will gain skills and knowledge that will improve all your communication, not just with the difficult people.
TUF for teams
- TUF for teams works well for sorting conflicts and building capacity in a team.
Does your team face these challenges?
- Strong characters influencing group culture
- Emotions dominating conversations
- Giving and receiving feedback and apologizing
- Personal issues affecting the workplace
- Supporting one another through restructuring and change

Benefits for Teams
Through the proven TUF: Thriving Under Fire system, teams develop the ability to work with intensely emotional situations without getting distracted from their main purpose. TUF for teams is designed for groups who face internal and external customer challenges.
They will spend:
- less time worrying about each other’s faults
- more time focused on their work and their strengths
The TUF: Thriving Under Fire programme works with the specific situations teams face in their actual workplace.
The skills and techniques taught are practiced and applied through experiential learning methods that lead to real, sustainable change in people.
Talk to us now about TUF for your team