Imagine a stadium full of people shouting as loud as possible for a minute or two before the first whistle had even been blown. That was the scene at a recent rugby test match in New Zealand between the All Blacks and Tonga. The purpose was to encourage people to make a noise against the silence that leads to depression and suicide. Psychologist tell us that the simple act of shouting out to break the silenced makes a connection in the brain between the feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety and the need to speak out.

Why is it so hard to talk about feelings?
To stay emotionally healthy you need to speak, talk and share. But…
- You are not sure if you can trust someone with your feelings.
- You may judge yourself and your feelings as bad or weird and not want to reveal them to anyone.
- You haven’t known anybody who has done this themselves.
- You are uncertain that it will achieve anything.
- You are scared.
- It will make you look weak.
Look around and see how many famous people now share their stories of vulnerability and do well because they are prepared to talk about themselves. Find someone you can trust. Go to a counsellor if you can’t trust friends or family with whom you can share your deep secrets.
Feelings are neither good nor bad they are simply feelings and they will pass.
Feeling and revealing leads to healing.