The power of listening
Listening can be the hardest part of a being a great manager or colleague.
There is always a lot going on in the other person’s life that they are trying to understand, make sense of and cope with.
Listening can be the hardest part of a being a great manager or colleague.
There is always a lot going on in the other person’s life that they are trying to understand, make sense of and cope with.
I was doing a big ‘download’ recently with a friend. I seemed to have a jumble of problems that I needed to name out loud. At first he offered a suggestion to each thing I said: “Have you tried this…” or “It could help if you …”
How many monkeys are on your back?
A listener can be tempted to take on the problems of those they listen to. They can end up carrying everyone’s problems without realising what they have done.
Julie came barging into her manager’s office. “OMG – we have a crisis. The customer at the counter is very upset and I don’t know what to do?”
Setting boundaries is a real challenge if you want to build strong relationships with colleagues, especially if you are a manager.
A company owner said to me recently, “when you hold a position of power, you can be deceived into thinking that you know more about the topic than you actually do. People act as if you know more because you are the boss”.
People in powerful or dominant positions can easily fall into the trap of believing that the rest of the world thinks the same way as they do.
Three great questions to ask in one-on-one conversations at work.
Every single time Janine came into Susie’s office Susie felt her gut turn. Janine was high maintenance…
Accentuate the positive A local government worker I met recently was most despondent. His performance appraisal was such a bad experience that it made him want to quit work completely. His manager listed a number of tasks he hadn’t done well and failed to acknowledge what he had achieved in Read more…